Technical words enrich you and empower you. Most of the technical words are coined by the Scientists from the existing words. The innovators should think of coining new technical words to express their new ideas, innovations and inventions. In fact Technical English is more important than Spoken English.
Video - This word is a combination of the three words of Julius Caeser. Veni, vidi,and vici (I came, I saw, and I conquered)
Bluetooth - The latest innovation of wireless connectivity was named after the great British Emperor who spent his life time in liking the nearby states. He was popularly known for his Bluetooth because of his use of tobacco.
Technopreneur- A combination of two words Technology and Entrepreneur
Virtual Library - online library
Virtual class room - online class room
Architecture- A word used in Civil Engineering to indicate space in Computer and used as Computer Architecture
Mouse- Name of an animal used to indicate hardware in computer
Mundane: (adj) Humdrum, dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, tiresome, unexciting, uninteresting, uneventful, unremarkable, routine, ordinary.
Momentum: (n) impetus, energy, force, power, strength, thrust, speed, velocity.
Model: (n) replica, copy, representation, mock-up, dummy, imitation, duplicate, reproduction, facsimile, prototype, archetype, paradigm, version, mould, template, framework, pattern, design, blueprint.
Polymath – a person having knowledge of many subjects.
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